

🌱Borage Seed Oil is one of the best oils that you can give your skin as the temperatures drop in the winter months. Non-fragrant and skin identical, Borage seed oil is especially nourishing for dry, sensitive, and eczema prone skin. It is the richest known source of the super important and rarest essential fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA can repair even the most severely dry and irritated skin, and Borage seed oil contains by far the most of it!

🐝Borage is also known as the bee bush for being a prolific pollinator. A single square meter of borage can supply bees an average 10.4 grams of nectar and pollen.

Good for the environment and great for the skin! Check out to learn more about the ingredients in Spectacle Performance Crème and our sustainable practices.


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